Hello! I am Erin Whitney, an entrepreneur, poet, humanitarian, and peace activist, and this is MY STORY: When I was about 5 years old, growing up in a midwestern US farm family that was quite the opposite of peaceful, I had a very vivid vision while standing out in the yard one day. As I stood there, everything around me came to a stop and a silent, deeply peaceful energy enveloped me. Although no words were spoken, I KNEW what true peace felt like. I KNEW that the world was intended to be completely at peace and all living beings were destined to live together in harmony and joy.
My 5-year-old vision has been calling me for many years to seek ways of bringing peace to the World. Along the way, I experienced the Peace Vigil for the Earth on the Mall of the US Capital. This weekend-long vigil, envisioned by the late Harry F. Byrd of the Lakota Sioux tribe, briefly created the utopian peaceful society I felt in my vision with participants from many religions and from many countries.
That experience re-ignited my search for ways to bring peace to our world.
Along the road of my searching for how to create the peaceful world from my vision, I studied many cultural traditions, and there was one story/prophecy from Native American origins that haunted me, intrigued me, and confused me for years. It was the story of the Rainbow Bridge. This Prophecy has been espoused by many traditions, including the Dineh (Apache), the Crow, and the Lakota. One version states that there will be a rainbow bridge that the people will walk upon to bring peace to the Earth. I could not understand how we could create this rainbow bridge to peace, but I knew that it could be real and was critically important to my mission & purpose.
So I have been determinedly seeking this bridge for many years.
After decades of pondering how a bridge could be built that would bring Peace on Earth, in late December, 2016, I was gifted with the vision of the Rainbow Bridge to Peace and how I could help bring about this bridge. I suddenly understood that each of us is one hue in the many colors of the rainbow and that by working together, we ARE the bridge and that WE become the way to peace. We become this by walking side-by-side with all of our many-colored Human Family and Nature Family members. My Christian upbringing also told me that I AM, being the name of God, meant that the Divine Love within us, and our actions in the world can work together to transform this beautiful Earth into one of true peace and harmony.
I AM the bridge to peace is a true statement for each of us!
It is now upon us to bring this prophetic bridge ino reality.
Envision travelers, while taking fun-filled vacations, feeling the pure joy of open-hearted connection with others around the world! Imagine first a few, then more and more such travelers. Each connecting with people of all cultures and traditions and inspiring others to do the same. As each places a ribbon for peace in their view, eventually there are millions of peace ribbons all around the world. Together, they bring to daily consciousness a call to all people to act in peaceful ways and to COMMIT to PEACEFUL, NONVIOLENT ACTIONS toward any people or other living entities,
including our only Earth who sustains us,
so that the rainbow bridge becomes real and Peace prevails.
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